est. 1967

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


Online Regatta Entry: login

  Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 22:47  

2025 Maadi Regatta - Sitemap -  

Online Regatta Entry

Welcome to Online Regatta Entry (ORE), provided for NZSSRA Championships regattas (and many other schools regattas) by rowIT Ltd. Once you have completed the details required to log in below you can enter your crews for a regatta. This is a 4-step process:

  1. select a squad from your roster (remember to include reserves)
  2. select crews for the regatta using your squad members
  3. provide all the information required for the declaration forms and other forms
  4. submit entries

Upon submitting your entries you will receive email confirmation and a copy of the completed declarations ready to be checked then signed by the Principal and emailed to the regatta hosts.

It's a simple process and you can make changes to your squad and/or crews without penalty right up to the closing date for entries (but remember to submit an update for your entries!).

Online Regatta Entry from

  1. Select school1: *
  2. Select regatta2: *
  3. Enter Password3: *
  4. Click button to:

* required fields


  1. Unlisted schools are either not NZSSRA members or their annual subscription has not been paid/processed, please check the list of non-financial members
  2. Online Regatta Entry is only available through NZSSRA for Championships (NISSC/SISSC/Maadi) and a small number of other regattas. If a regatta is unavailable try
  3. Passwords are the same as the ones used last season. Schools should contact the Schools Committee if a password has been misplaced.

Postal entry

Last century, prior to ORE, regattas were entered manually; creating a pile of paperwork. An example of the type of form used for entry by mail can be found here.